Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Stupid Limkokwing admin! They so dumb until can't even update our results on the website. What in the hell they are paid for? Keep asking for money but services are just poorer than local non-private university! As if the website is nothing but a stupid decoration, there's no info of the coming activities of the campus. We are not informed bout the date of school start and even the registration. Shit! I just hate to admit I study in this stupid school. No wonder lotz of lecturers decided not to continue their career in this shit hole! Luckily our lecturers inform us about the date of registration, else we will not even go for the registration!

Here's the things I want to complain bout the campus! Read them if u care!

1. Poor facilities:
~We always got poor computers with no sufficient software and hardware.
~Only the game design students got nice PCs. It's so obvious the school want to show off!

2. No protection of students' works:
~Our works (especially Professional and Graphic Design students') are always dumped in
the storage as if they are meeting their dooms.
~Even if we get back our works, they always ended up like ikan masin......

3. Foods prices and choices:
~Students' foods are just too expensive and lack of choice.

4. No club activities:
~We have no significant club activities at all.
~Even if we have clubs, they are just as well as invisible.
~You can't even name a proper club's name because you will always doubt the existence of

5. Only two semesters per year:
~We only got 2 sems and it's just way too rush to stuff sufficient knowledge into our brains.
~We need at least three semester to perfect our study! But the school will only says it's
following the international system! Stupid!

6. Poor admin:
~As I said, we paid the admin for nothing!!

There is still lotz for me to complain on, but I'll save them for next time.