Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Some Weird Thoughts......

Well, as usual, I did my assignment until very late this morning. I was kinda dizzy while handling the 3D thingy. It was a walk cycle animation for your information...... While doing this animation, my mind was somehow wondering around in my memory box a.k.a brain looking for some pieces of my childhood. I was happy while doing so as I thought of some funny thing I did with my bro...... but then, my mind went to the darkside, and I thought of all of my childhood and secondary school friends. to be very honest, i have lost most of my friends who I once call them pal. They are now nowhere to be found and even if I manage to see one, he or she might just give me a "do I know u" look. Well, I guess this is how we should go on. I now wonder if these university friends of mine would do the same years after the graduation. It's kinda hard to believe that friends next to you now might walk pass you as a total stranger. I could hardly imagine it. What I thought of now is like a melodrama of real life. Eventually, all of us will leave each other and will be too busy to even greet each other. After all, human ain't as humanity as they are said to be.

So, how about friends from net?


  1. so weird?? but the chatbox html code shouldn't be any problem.. do u noe how to unbrick a psp??

    and where to u buy ur psp? the anime shop at t1 that we go last time?

  2. Hey neil! Thanks for dropping by my blog ^^ and for the wish! ;))

  3. kar hong: I dun know leh...... maybe because i really noob. XD

    Anima Kessy: Lol, nice to meet u too!
