Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Very Weird Time for Class =___=lll

Currently, I'm typing right in front of my Nao Nao (my laptop lah). Just done the 3D modeling for my Boeing 747 plane. Really have no mood to school since it's a late class starts at five. Wonder which idiot planned such schedule? The stormy sky made me sleepy...... Really don't want to go school......

Just downloaded the first part of Princess Mononoke. I know I have a DVD copy of it but just want to get a softcopy for the purpose of collecting. Lol, this is so lame. My posts are getting borer and borer. Somebody stop me!!


  1. oi fren. u can just copy from the dvd, u know.

  2. the DVD quality not really nice
    and the subtitle not accurate.
