Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Wow, it's been six months (almost) since I joined Deviant Art! Such a long time...... And finally my page view reaches 1000. Haha, that means lots to me since that's was one of my few wishes after I joined Deviant Art! 1000...... Though no exactly 1000 people viewed my deviations but at least the number cheers me up! You don't know how desperate and excited I been since these few days as my page view was almost reaching the number.

Cheers! Thanks everyone!

How I join Deviant Art was quite a story. Though the memory was quite blurry but I can still tell most parts of it. I can still remember that it was Zeraato's invitation for asking me to join Deviant Art. Well, I guess I should really thank him for introducing me to Deviant Art. Before this, I had no idea why some of my pals really crazy about updating both deviation and journals in Deviant Art. Haha, now I am really addicted to it and Deviant Art even replaced Friendster for being my favorite hang out spot. It was so nice to see pros' and juniors' deviations and get comments from these people! Nice to meet lots of artists too!

Hereby, I want to thank Zeraato for introducing me to Deviant Art! Thanks dude! Me really appreciate all your helps!

And my all time viewers, thanks for supporting me all this time:
1. Eichi17
2. MatsuoAmon
3. Suchalonedisskins
4. Cravier
5. Chjio
6. Li-jean
7. RoxasVen
8. Cameralance
9. ChibiChibiZero
10. TaraGraphic
11. Wuduheo
12. Satriakid
13. Bloodhaunt
14. AoiTsubasa

and ETC......

Now me will work harder for the target of 10,000! Please continue to support me, fellows!


  1. great stuff!! i think i contributed a bit to your page views too. looking forward to your future deviations!!

  2. Thanks Quinn! You did visit my site quite a lot!
    Haha, thanks for the view!

  3. WOW! Thanks Tara Graphic! Sorry for noticing your comment after so long!
